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2014 Vol.51, Issue 3 Preview Page

Research Paper

30 June 2014. pp. 377-384
In order to improve grade of the domestic lepidolite (low grade Li-bearing mineral), heavy medium separation (HMS) was conducted with sample from Boam mine, in various range of size(+4, 4×20, 20×65, -65 mesh) and medium specific gravity (2.65, 2.70, 2.75). As the result of HMS in crushed mineral by jaw crusher, separation efficiency of Li was higher in the range of 4×20 mesh at 2.70 of medium specific gravity (Li2O grade: 4.32%, Li2O recovery: 72.39%). Whereas the case of +4 mesh, separation efficiency of Li was very low, regardless of medium specific gravity and recovery of Li2O drastically decreased in relation to increase in medium specific gravity. After grinding for +4 mesh minerals using disk pulverizer at 3 mm of distance of disk for liberation, HMS was carried out for ground minerals(+4, 4×20 mesh). As the range of +4 mesh size, grade of Li2O was 4.8%(recovery: 80%) at a 2.70 of medium specific gravity.
국내 저품위 리튬함유광물로부터 인운모(lepidolite)에 포함된 Li2O의 품위 향상을 위해 입도구간(+4, 4×20, 20×65 mesh) 및 매질 비중(2.65, 2.70, 2.75)을 변화시켜 중액선별을 실시하였다. jaw crusher 분쇄 후 중액실험 결과, 4×20 mesh에서 가장 높은 리튬 선별효율(매질비중 2.70 → Li2O 품위 4.32%, 회수율 72.39%)을 나타내었다. +4 mesh는 매질 비중에 관계없이 리튬의 선별효율이 낮고, 매질 비중이 증가함에 따라 Li2O의 회수율이 급격히 감소되었다. 이에 +4 mesh산물의 단체분리를 위해 disk pulverizer를 이용해 분쇄 후, 분쇄산물(+4, 4×20 mesh)에 대해 중액선별을 실시하였고, +4 mesh, 매질비중 2.70 에서 Li2O 품위 4.8%, 회수율 80%가 가능하였다.
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  • Publisher :The Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국자원공학회
  • Journal Title :Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers
  • Journal Title(Ko) :한국자원공학회지
  • Volume : 51
  • No :3
  • Pages :377-384